10% Meeting Booked Rate with Industry-Specific Campaigns

Email & Text Campaign


Our goal for these campaigns was to book as many meetings as possible for Joe Lesher, with the end goal being to create mutually beneficial relationships with people of certain professions. We decided to target three specific professions: realtors, insurance agents, and property managers. Our reasoning behind targeting these three professions were the benefits of uncovering new roof replacement and repair opportunities. With realtors, they are constantly selling houses to new homeowners and therefore will have the need to have a roofer on hand to do roof inspections and the repairs that their homebuyers request. With insurance agents, whenever they get a claim for a roof repair or replacement, they can refer the client to us to perform the work. And with property managers, they have multiple properties, so being their go-to roofing contractor could provide constant work throughout the year. 


Our first step for this set of campaigns was to figure out who would most beneficial to have a relationship with as a roofer. Once we narrowed our focus to the three professions mentioned above, we began compiling a list of contacts for each one. Our focus was to get a valuable list of people in the Lancaster area, which is where Lesher Roofing is headquartered. This was done through a combination of multiple platforms, which was vetted and scrubbed to ensure that we were reaching the correct people for these campaigns.

Once we had our three lists, complete with name, e-mail, phone number, city, and company, we wrote profession-specific e-mail scripts, complete with multiple follow ups and personalized first-lines, as our previous campaigns have shown us the benefits to both in winning a lead. This entails doing research on the potential client to try and find something that could spark a conversation and show that the e-mails were not fully automated but rather done so by a person. After we had our script in place, we were ready to get the campaign launched. We organized our lists of contacts into their respective professions and imported them into our e-mail marketing system, placing each one in their correct campaign. 

From there, we closely monitored the process to ensure that everything was running smoothly and that everyone who had e-mailed us back was responded to promptly to make sure that all potential leads were won and all questions were answered. We also continuously analyzed the data to confirm that we were taking the correct path to get the most positive results.


Our client was very happy with the results that were produced from the campaigns. All in all, we booked 23 total meetings out of the 237 total potential clients for an almost 10% win rate. I think our most impressive number is the percentage of leads won out of the people who replied.

Insurance Agents72511911
Property Managers7642119
Open RateReply of OpensReply of TotalWon Who RepliedWon Total
Insurance Agents71%37%26%58%15%
Property Managers56%26%14%82%12%

Our results for realtors weren’t as high as the rates for insurance agents and property managers, which I think is because they are dealing with an earlier process of the home-owning journey than Lesher mainly provides services for. With insurance agents and property managers, they are dealing with needing to do repairs all the time, while realtors are interested in a different area of focus. We had nearly 2 out of every 3 people who replied agree to a phone call or meeting, which means that our copy and especially our angle were enticing enough to get people interested. 10% win rate booked 23 out of the 237 total potential clients But the relationships that were formed from the 23 meetings have already proven to be beneficial. 

Want to learn more?

Download the PDF to learn more about everything that went into the process, from our initial goals to the prep and the results that followed!

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